Ain’t No Sunshine tab

Bill Withers, who could no love his voice on Ain’t No Sunshine?! Unless you are not a fan, this is a lovely song to play on the guitar and it’s great for beginners too.

The song is based around the key of A minor and it uses the notes from the A minor pentatonic scale in the melody.

If anyone isn’t familiar with this scale here is an example:

For the strumming use a finger picking style to pick out the root bass notes and then double pluck the higher notes and let them ring out.

When the vocals start play this melody, but go back to the strum pattern in between the verse lines.

Ain’t no sunshine when she’s gone…..It’s not warm when she’s away…

This is the second half of the verse. Don’t forget your slides and your hammer ons, and follow Bills vocals.

Ain’t no sunshine when she’s gone….she’s always gone too long…anytime, she goes away….

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