Beginner Guitar

A set of 10 guitar lessons to get you ready on your guitar journey. During these lessons you will learn about how a guitar works, how to tune your guitar, note retention and some basic musical theory. Not to mention a big chunk of chords to help you play along to any of your favourite songs. 

Acoustic or Electric?

I teach both, if you are not sure which one to get, please just ask me and I can try and help you with your decision.

Shall I learn grades?

Why not? Grades are a good way of focusing on your instrument and learning and getting the best out of it. I recommend using Rock School or RGT.

Online guitar lessons

I currently teach all of my guitar lessons online using Zoom

HOw long do your lessons last?

I teach half an hour or hour lessons. My prices and special offers are listed below.

Price list

£12.50 for half an hour lesson

£20 for hour lesson

Please note in January 2022 there will be a price increase to £15 for half an hour and £25 for an hour lesson for all in person lessons

Special offer

Book 6 lessons and get one lesson for half price.

What do i get for my lessons?

Each lesson is tailored to your learning needs and musical tastes. I also upload my lessons to a sharing platform Trello which is shared privately with you. In this you can download all of the lessons, songs, pictures, videos and sound clips so you can practice in your spare time. 

Contact me

If you are looking to book a lesson or find out more information then please contact me

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